Our shared future depends on
The Great Lakes Growth Coalition is providing a unified voice for Michigan’s job providers and workers, ensuring that our residents live in a flourishing state with a growing economy and population. We’re stronger, together.
Michigan's Future Depends on Economic Growth
Oppose workplace mandates on small businesses
Maintain your choice of how & when to work
Protect small businesses from a web of local regulations to create employment certainty
Keep Michigan's brownfield laws in place to encourage redevelopment and renewal
Growing Michigan's economy and
giving our kids opportunities to stay.
Great Lakes Growth
Issue Coalitions
The Great Lakes Growth Coalition is providing a united voice for Michigan’s small businesses and workers, ensuring that our residents live in a flourishing state with a growing economy and population.
Learn more about the key issues affecting Michigan's economic future and join an issue coalition today!
Limited Workplace Mandates
Michigan employers compete worldwide for talent and strive to provide competitive benefits. The so-called family and medical paid leave program amounts to a new $1-1.5 billion-plus annual payroll tax on every worker and business. This policy would create a massive new state bureaucracy, putting the government in charge of paid-time off (PTO claims) and hurting those it claims to help, especially small businesses and Michiganders living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Rebuild Michigan
The Rebuild MI coalition is united in opposing deceptively-named “Polluter Pay” legislation that is unnecessary and will make a mess of Michigan's current brownfield redevelopment laws.
Local governments and businesses in the Rebuild MI coalition agree-- these misleading proposals will grind many hopeful redevelopment proposals into the ground.
Employment Certainty
Employees and employers alike are looking for certainty. Yet pending legislation would create more uncertainty by unleashing Michigan’s 1,800 local units of government and allowing them to enact their own laws governing workplaces across Michigan. Creating a complex web of rules and regulations governing private employers’ relations with their employees will create inconsistency, confusion and a bureaucratic, red-tape nightmare for job providers—and employees.
It has never been more important for Michigan’s job providers to have a voice in fast moving public policy debates. Too many new proposals will halt economic growth and spur additional population decline, hurting businesses and workers alike. The Great Lakes Growth Coalition is working hard to convey how policies may impact employers, employees and communities and ensure that Michigan is a flourishing state with a growing economy and population.
We need your help! Learn more about the key issues affecting Michigan's economic future and join an issue coalition today.
Great Lakes Growth
Founding Partners