Retain Brownfield & Urban Investment Laws for Development (#RebuildMI)
Local governments and businesses agree: The new brownfield proposal simply creates a bigger mess

The Rebuild MI coalition is united in opposing deceptively-named “Polluter Pay” legislation that is unnecessary and will simply make a mess of Michigan's current brownfield redevelopment laws.
Local governments and businesses in the Rebuild MI coalition agree-- these proposals are bad for Michigan's future.
Instead of redeveloping and rejuvenating the historic districts of our cities and former industrial sites, these misleading proposals will grind many hopeful redevelopment proposals into the ground.
The truth is that Michigan’s current brownfield clean up laws are effective and nationally renowned because they are focused on creating reuse-specific solutions that are economically feasible, not only addressing contaminated areas but building a new and prosperous future for communities.
SB 605-611 and HB 5241-5247 are an attack on Michigan's successful and responsible brownfield redevelopment policies. They will discourage the clean-up and redevelopment of these sites by setting unattainable one-size-fits-all standards that increase red tape and push costs beyond what is attainable.
While supporters of these bills claim they will force “polluters to pay", the reality is that this legislation will lead to a decrease in cleanups of contaminated sites and an increase in new greenfield developments, such as farms and agricultural lands.
Rebuild MI is calling on legislators to drop this plan and instead focus on brownfield redevelopment policies to incentivize more private investment in housing, office, manufacturing and retail space development on these currently unusable sites in our urban centers and more.
Realistic solutions should focus on orphaned properties and contaminated eye sores in our communities that risk public safety and restrain economic growth in communities that need it most.
The REBUILD MI Coalition is united around a common set of principles:
​Michigan already has a “Polluter Pay” law. If you cause contamination, you are responsible for remediation.
Michigan’s contamination policies must allow flexibility and creativity in addressing brownfield redevelopment to encourage investment in Michigan’s oldest and largest cities.
Once-size-fits-all clean up standards will stifle redevelopment and sent costs skyrocketing. Instead, brownfield redevelopment must allow for the best use of science and the intended use of individual sites.
Michigan communities are better off when developers can affordably and responsibly rejuvenate our historic cities while making contaminated sites safer -- a win for everyone involved.
REBUILD MI Coalition
Michigan Manufacturers Association
Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
Michigan Association of Counties
Small Business Association of Michigan
Detroit Chamber of Commerce
Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Michigan Chemistry Council
Business Leaders for Michigan
Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
Southwest Michigan Regional Chamber of Commerce
Coalition News
Crain's Grand Rapids Business
Crain's Detroit Business
Crain's Detroit Business
Great Lakes Growth